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Immediate Bitcoin

January 31, 2023 |
by Azeez Mustafa
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An immediate Bitcoin is an auto trading platform that offers a profitable trading platform to all those investors who are willing to invest in a crypto market for making money to become rich.


Immediate Bitcoin Review: Is it a Scam or Legit?

Bitcoins have emerged as one of the more preferred investment options for financial investors. People interested in investing are showing a lot of curiosity towards learning the nitty-gritty of Bitcoins. Immediate Bitcoin is one platform that facilitates investment in Bitcoins.

Important information has been provided by it on its official website which guides all investors who are interested in trading cryptocurrency on an auto trading platform.

Professionals who have been managing Immediate Bitcoin have claimed that an auto trading platform can be easily used by all investors investing in a cryptocurrency market.

Anyone trying their luck in the crypto market must wonder what is an auto trading platform or auto trading system.

What is an Automated trading platform?

Auto trading platforms or auto trading systems. They allow the establishment of specific rules by the traders for exits and trade entries. Once programming is complete, it can be executed with a computer automatically.

What is Immediate Bitcoin?

An immediate Bitcoin is an auto trading platform that offers a profitable trading platform to all those investors who are willing to invest in a crypto market for making money to become rich. Investors having adequate passive income who are looking for making more money can make an immediate bitcoin account on the immediate bitcoin auto trading platform by building wealth from the profits which would be earned by immediate bitcoin as active traders have a golden opportunity of making money in the cryptocurrency market on this trading system every day.

Features of immediate bitcoin

Immediate Bitcoin provides attractive features to its users. The features of immediate bitcoin are as follows:

Zero Trading Fees

Immediate Bitcoin duly publishes its criteria mechanism on its trading conditions page. No license fee is charged by Immediate Bitcoin.

However, in the case of profitable trades, a commission of up to 2% is levied. In case of unprofitable trades, no fee is charged

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Proven Performance

The system used by Immediate Bitcoin has been ranked at the top that too in an environment that is highly competitive wherein there are hundreds of participants.

Multiple Tradable Assets

Immediate Bitcoin provides a range of contracts for differences in crypto.

How does Immediate Bitcoin work?

One can easily use Immediate Bitcoin online by making an immediate bitcoin account on the official website of the trading system.

The information which has been provided by the trading system being offered by Immediate Bitcoin is easy to understand.

The language is such that anyone, a novice, an amateur, or an expert who makes an immediate bitcoin account by using the immediate bitcoin auto trading system can understand it and gain from it.

How does the auto trading platform work?

An automated trading system being offered by immediate bitcoin stays valid for as long as the investor desires.

However, if due to any particular reason, the investor requests the ending of the auto trading, then the same shall happen without any hassles.

The owner of the immediate bitcoin can start trading by making an initial deposit through their account on the crypto trading system at any time of the day during the live trading sessions in the cryptocurrency market. Live trading session in a cryptocurrency market begins when the button acting as a live trading feature is clicked on the platform.

While the live trading session is in process, the cryptocurrency market is scanned by Immediate Bitcoin trading robots.

These trading robots during the live trading sessions select some of the best deals which are being offered to investors.

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What is a good cryptocurrency market deal?

A good cryptocurrency market deal as has been provided on the Immediate Bitcoin website refers to an offer to buy commonly traded cryptocurrencies at a lower market price.

Is there any other type of deal?

When during live trading, a good deal is being identified, the trading robot rescans the market to identify offers that can be leveraged to make so much money that a significant market can be made.

In these deals, auto trading systems while live trading sells cryptocurrencies at a value higher than what it was brought at.

Such a trading process is used by smart investors who take risky investment decisions of investing in complex instruments by using the love trading feature for earning a significant profit.

What are the after-trading operations?

The website of Immediate Bitcoin offers such information through its auto trading platforms which indicates that the Immediate Bitcoin system is very flexible.

How are the Immediate Bitcoin trading platforms flexible for the Immediate Bitcoin Account holders?

Account managers of Immediate Bitcoin auto trading platforms get the option of making a selection from the live trading feature.

After when profits are earned by account holders, they can make investment decisions to continue with trading using the Immediate Bitcoin trading processes.

How can I make money fast with Bitcoin?

There is no hard and fast rule for earning money fast. In fact, if smart decisions are not taken, one might lose money by using the Immediate Bitcoin trading processes.

However, Immediate Bitcoin investors suggest that for more profit, the capital after trading should be reinvested.

Investment of any kind is not a child's play. It requires a lot of practice and knowledge of financial markets. Hence, to upgrade your investment skills, you can try your hands on a demo account. There are plenty on online platforms where a demo account can be opened for practising trading in Bitcoins. You would be given fictitious money and you can try your luck. In case of any loss caused in the demo account, there will be no actual loss.

To avoid unprecedented errors and losses, the best way is to be up-to-date with the financial news. It gives one adequate knowledge about taking proper decisions. If you are under-confident about your decisions, you can also seek independent financial advice which is nowadays being provided on various platforms.

How to trade with Immediate Bitcoin?

With Immediate Bitcoin getting more user-friendly, simple steps as provided below can be used for enjoying the automated trading processes of Immediate Bitcoin:

New Account Registration

Immediate Bitcoin and its auto trading system works in a very easy-to-use manner in comparison to the other trading platforms. Hence, registering an account on Immediate Bitcoin is very simple.

One of the Immediate Bitcoin pros is that the registration of an account hardly requires three minutes.

The registration process of an account is complete once the verification system approves the application which was submitted by the investor.

Making a minimum deposit for starting trading on Immediate Bitcoin

One of the trading parameters which is required to be fulfilled for trading on Immediate Bitcoin is the minimum deposit. This can be inferred clearly from the Immediate Bitcoin website.

For making the payment, multiple online payment options have been provided by Immediate Bitcoin. It includes Visa debit cards, MasterCard, PayPal, and many others.

A direct transfer from one's bank account can be done for transferring the required funds into an Immediate Bitcoin account.

Live trading

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The Live trading on Immediate Bitcoin is just a click away. Since Immediate Bitcoin works easily, one can rely on the trading robots for smartly investing their passive income.

Can you lose all your money in Bitcoin?

Investing in Bitcoin can ensure so much money as returns that many times investors can face losing money rapidly due to poor investment decisions. However, Immediate bitcoin review cryptocurrency investment trends closely to ensure that trading risk is minimised.

Immediate Bitcoin is inbuilt with a stop-loss feature that differentiates it from other leading robot brokers or alternative crypto robots. Once this feature has been activated, it suspends all trading activities until profitable crypto trading opportunities are transitioned from negative market trends.

Who are Immediate Bitcoin brokers?

Brokers have been involved by Immediate Bitcoin who continuously monitor the automated trading system. One can say that these brokers are involved in something called manual trading.

Although Immediate Bitcoin is automated, by manual trading Immediate Bitcoin, these brokers provide a human interface that helps in preventing any unforeseeable losses and errors.

What are the advantages of trading with Immediate Bitcoin?

With people becoming aware of proper financial investment, they have started exploring new and safer options for investing their hard-earned money. With time many financial instruments have been developed.

Until now most people were investing in shares from the secondary market of a stock market or other derivative investment products. However, now investing in Bitcoin has emerged as a viable option for financial investment.

Immediate Bitcoin offers a wide range of facilities that facilitate investment in bitcoins. The advantages for trading with Immediate Bitcoin has been given below:

Profits can be earned by users every day

Immediate Bitcoin has an automated payout feature. The payout system directly transfers profits being earned in one's account every day.

A fair service charge is leviable

A small percentage of the service charge is levied after the live trading session ends. This amount is very less in comparison to other similar services available.

The deposit range set by Immediate Bitcoin is reasonable

Immediate Bitcoin has set a reasonable deposit range for all its users. One can start trading by only depositing an amount as low as $250 by bank transfer, major credit cards like Mastercard or Visa debit card. The highest deposit amount is $25,000. This is a reasonable range that allows both the rich as well as the average income investor to earn money.

Miscellaneous features offered by Immediate Bitcoin

Immediate Bitcoin review feature

Immediate Bitcoin is truly automated. In addition to providing a trading platform that is automatic to its users, Immediate Bitcoin also has a review feature that continuously reviews the market fluctuations and helps in providing a secure and stable trading platform.

Trading history presented

To make its platform user-friendly, the trading history is presented so that individuals can track their performance and decide their investment strategy accordingly.

Easy withdrawal process

To facilitate one's trading experience easy withdrawal facilities have been provided.

Does currency fluctuation impact Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is one of the most commonly used digital currencies in today's world. However, it has been seen that currency exchange rate fluctuations do impact the value and profits being earned from Bitcoins.

Since Bitcoin is a digital currency, it cannot be physically stored anywhere. For storing Bitcoins, a Bitcoin wallet is used.

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Is Bitcoin legit?

This is the most important question. Despite Bitcoins being advertised as one of the best means for financial investment, most individuals are sceptical because of a lack of clarity on, is a bitcoin legitimate? To answer this question, it is first important to understand why are bitcoins considered a scam. Bitcoins are anonymous and have cross-border operability. Further, due to Bitcoin being a fairly new addition to the financial world, it is being looked at like something which attracts unregulated and suspicious activities only.

It is true that in many countries Bitcoins are highly unregulated and if you are a resident of any such country then you might want to invest smarty when it comes to Bitcoins. But in almost all developed countries such as the United Kingdom, proper mechanisms have been laid down by the EU regulatory framework to regulate Bitcoins and to ensure that your investment is safe and secure at all times. One of the advantages associated with Bitcoins is concerning the Bitcoin blockchain. It is a ledger that is of transparent nature. This ledger keeps a complete public record of all transactions. This ledger is absolutely transparent which eliminates any possibility for illegal activities like money laundering.

On a public level, now more and more big companies are showing their support to Bitcoin. This is a clear indicator that Bitcoin is not a scam but a legitimate currency.

Investment of any form comes with some associated risks. Losses go hand-in-hand with any kind of investment. However, this does not render the entire facility a scam. Bitcoin as stated above is a new addition and individuals are yet to figure out different ways and well-founded theories to ensure higher gains and lower risks from Bitcoins.

Another biggest advantage associated with Bitcoin is that it is entirely decentralised. This means people from anywhere in the world can invest in Bitcoin and similarly, Bitcoins can be easily used in any country unless it has been unrecognised by a particular jurisdiction.

Bitcoin as a digital currency shows a lot of potential for future growth hence, it is only wise to invest money right now to be able to reap greater benefits in the future.

Immediate Bitcoin Vs. Other Trading Platforms

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Immediate BitcoinOther Crypto Applications
✔️ Hassle-free registration❌ Other bitcoin trading platforms require a lengthy registration process.
✔️ Multiple payment methods❌ Other bitcoin trading platforms may limit a new user to one method of payment initially
✔️ Multiple options to configure trading settings❌ Users may find that other platforms have too many restrictions that hinder the possibility of making money in the cryptocurrency market.
✔️ Real positive testimonials❌ Many other trading platforms have received countless bad reviews.
✔️ Fast withdrawal process❌ Other trading platforms have a slow- placed transactional system, which discourages concurrent trades.

Tips for new investors?

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Earning money is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Hence, one needs to be extra cautious while investing in it. Investment of any sort comes with its set of risks. Hence, one needs to be well-informed before choosing any particular investment options.

Bitcoin is a new entrant in the market for monetary investment, hence, it is getting a lot of attention from people and media. At the moment, the features of a bitcoin might sound attractive but if you are new to the world of cryptocurrency, you must be fully sure that bitcoin is the way to go.

The best tip for new investors is to read about bitcoins. Now there is a lot of data available to understand how bitcoins work. Once you will get clarity of what bitcoins are and how they work, you would be in a better capacity to judge if they are suitable for you.

Once you have acquired sufficient knowledge on bitcoins, the second thing which you should do is research. One can reach their investment goals only when they are well-researched and fully aware of the options they have. There are many different manners of acquiring bitcoins, hence, research properly before investing.

The third and the most important tip is to start by investing small amounts. However attractive bitcoins may appear, there is an element of risk involved. Hence, one needs a lot of expertise to invest properly. Thus start by investing small amounts only. Preferably invest only that amount which you are comfortable losing.  Try to understand how the market works and identify whether you are going in the right direction. You can simultaneously take tutorials to understand your work. If you invest large amounts in one go, then the losses would be greater. Hence, starting with small amounts would give you the much-needed confidence for investing in bitcoins.

Disclaimer: The content on this page should not be taken as financial advice. It is for informational purposes only. Never invest what you can’t afford to lose. Always research as much as possible before making any financial decision and consult a certified financial advisor.

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Glossary of Cryptocurrency Terms

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FiatFiat is traditionally referred to as paper money, that has no intrinsic value, but whose value is essentially established by the creator, in most cases this would be the government.
BitcoinBitcoin is reported to be the world’s most popular cryptocurrency. Bitcoin runs on a Bitcoin Blockchain and is a decentralized currency that operates independently from central banks and authority
EthereumEthereum, like Bitcoin, is a cryptocurrency that is decentralized. Here, investors can transfer and exchange value.
LitecoinLitecoin is also a cryptocurrency and a blockchain mirroring Bitcoin.
ExchangeThe crypto exchange is basically an online platform where crypto investors get to exchange different cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin miningBitcoin mining occurs when Bitcoin transactions are verified and confirmed before being added to the Bitcoin Blockchain.
Crypto walletA crypto wallet is a software program that stores the private and public keys of investors. It also allows users to transfer, receive, spend, store and check their balances.
Circulating supplyThis refers to the amount of a given cryptocurrency or tokens that are publicly available and circulating on the market between buyers and sellers.
Market capMarket cap refers to the market value of all of the cryptocurrencies available in the market per day.
AltcoinsBitcoin was the first and most successful of all cryptocurrencies. All other coins are grouped together under the category of altcoins.
Block ExplorerAn online tool for exploring and analysing the blockchain of a cryptocurrency.
Block HeightBlock height refers to the number of blocks connected in the blockchain.
Block RewardAn incentive given to a bitcoin miner who has successfully calculated the hash (verification) in a block.
Chain LinkingTransferring one cryptocurrency to another. This requires the transaction to be lodged in two separate blockchains.
Consortium BlockchainA privately owned and operated blockchain.
CryptographyThe process of encrypting and decrypting information.
Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationRefers to organisations that are run by computer programs or software rather than a human input. There is no central authority in this regard.
TokenTokens are strongly associated with ICO’s and are often built on pre-existing standard from established ‘smart contract’ blockchains like Ethereum.
ICOThis stands for Initial Coin Offering and refers to a disruptive new method for projects to gain funding.
ForkIn cryptocurrency terms, a fork is an event where an existing cryptocurrency splits into two variations of the code.
WalletA cryptocurrency wallet is the primary way owners of cryptocurrencies are able to access their coins.
Hot and cold storageThis refers to where a particular wallet is hosted. Hot storage refers to a wallet that is accessible from an internet connection, where cold storage refers to hosting your wallet offline on a separate piece of hardware.
EscrowAn escrow is a financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction.
Smart contractThe Ethereum blockchain allows for code to be deployed onto it in the form of a smart contract. This contract is essentially a set of mathematical rules that dictate how the transactions function
Proof-of-work (PoW)For transactions to be confirmed and added to the Blockchain ledger, there are various approaches that have been developed to complete this process.
Proof-of-stake (PoS)In PoS-based cryptocurrencies, the creator of the next block is chosen via various combinations of random selection and wealth or age.
Proof of Importance (POI)This is a style of proof pioneered by the coin NEM as a third alternative to PoW and PoS.
TAShorthand for a technical analysis, or the analysis of coin values based on historical price movements and sophisticated indicators.
Nodea computer that is connected to the network of a particular cryptocurrency.
MiningMining is the process of validating new transactions on a cryptocurrencies distributed ledger.
MoonshotThis refers to a cryptocurrency shooting upwards dramatically.
Bear and Bull marketsA bull market is refers to rising prices and optimistic sentiment that encourages buying. Bear markets are considered the opposite of bull markets, with downward price trends and a pessimistic sentiment that encourages selling
WhaleRefers to someone who holds an large amounts of cryptocurrency
HODLRefers to the passive investment strategy of ignoring market turbulence and waiting for long term returns.
Hard ForkRefers to a type of fork that creates a permanent change to a digital currency’s standard protocol
Long/Long PositionRefers to making a wager that a certain asset will eventually rise in value.
Private KeyA piece of information that is presented as a string of letters and numbers a investor can use to access their digital currency
Public KeyAn address where a investor can receive his/her digital currency using a combination of letters and numbers.
RektOccurs when an investor loses large sums of money on the cryptocurrency market
Short/ShortingOccurs when an investor takes a short position- making a bet that a asset or currency will fall in value
Mining IncentiveA reward miners get for confirming transactions and mining them in to blocks
NoobRefers to new investors on the cryptocurrency market.
DAppRefers to a decentralized application.

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Immediate Bitcoin

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